Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Letter to Democratic Party Leadership

With all due respect,

“History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.”
John F. Kennedy

We have a unique opportunity to not only avoid being swept aside, as in President Kennedy’s quote, but to actually become a part of history in the making. As with most opportunities an actual call to action is needed to bring it to fruition. Enclosed is an open letter to former Vice President Al Gore. The letter serves as the prerequisite call to action not only for Mr. Gore but all party officials to follow the lead of Gov. Richardson and fully back a candidate before irreparable damage is done to the Democratic Party and the country as a whole.

The current “scorched earth” campaign cannot be allowed to go on unchecked. It serves no purpose other than to divide the country and all but hand the presidency to the Republican Party. Why allow this to continue when the so called super delegates will have to decide this nomination in the end regardless of the outcome of the primaries? Letting this campaign deteriorate into a vicious racially charged quagmire for the sake of political safety is tantamount to aesthetically arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Before you now is the rare opportunity to transcend conventional political wisdom and implement pure and simple logic. Put simply, a chance to actually do the proverbial “right thing.” Instead of sitting back to see out this fleshes itself out and then making the prudent political maneuver, take the initiative and halt the flesh eating virus the current campaign is rapidly becoming. The remaining upcoming primaries will do little if anything to unravel the Gordian knot the Democratic nomination has become. In fact they may actually make the situation worse than it is now, if that is even imaginable.

Swift and definitive action must be taken immediately to decide this race. The full inimitable support of the highest profile super delegates should be thrown behind the candidate the people have clearly chosen thus far to be their choice of nominee. Waiting for the conclusion of the Pennsylvania ballot or any others for that matter will only fuel the flames that will eventually consume the party’s chances for victory and quite possibly the party itself.



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