Wow, just when you thought it was safe to have faith in the democratic process or the human condition in general Hillary and her team drags us back down into the primordial ooze. I think Sen. Obama’s campaign person got it right – Hillary is a monster. She’s like one of those teenage slasher or 50’s “B” movie monster that just won’t die when there supposed to.
If you had any doubts or questions about the differences between the Presidential candidates it should be painfully obvious to you now Sen. Clinton and for the most part Sen. McCain are “politics as usual.” If change is really what everyone wants Barack Obama is our man.
Hillary as clearly shown what she’s like when the heat is on. If she’s not crying she’s trying to create a race war, all in an effort to be President. If you listen to her speeches she always says “I” as in I will fight for you and “I” will get things done “I”, “I”, “I”. Where as both the other candidates more often than not use “we”. “We” can get it done together. “We’ll” take back
I’d truly like to know what her plan is. Does she actually think she can all but call Sen. Obama a lazy nigger and hope everyone has forgotten or forgiven just in time for the general election? NEWS FLASH - we would rather see four more years of Bush before we win on a racist platform of any kind. Hillary has resorted to the Karl Rove divide and concur, say anything, (50 +1%) strategy of politics. This is particularly effective given that people are basically stupid as a whole. The problem with it however, is that it discounts the saving grace of people being only SO stupid. Unfortunately for Hill, and the Republicans in general their boy George used up all the stupid and then some over the last eight years.
Funny - no one on Hillary’s team was so concerned about the
If everything here to fore isn’t enough to make you reject Hillary consider this, why do the Republicans want to face her in the general election so much? I’m guessing it’s because they’ve spent the last two years plus tooling up for this fight, falling into the same presumptive trap Hillary herself fell into, and now posses nuclear bombs they will drop on her hard, fast and continuously. They weren’t expecting a nuke proof, stealth candidate to suddenly appear and save the day.
If Barack is their opponent they’re completely screwed. Hillary will have already thrown the “kitchen sink” at him, using their best tricks to no avail, where will they go from there? Pointing out he’s black won’t work any better for them. They probably don’t want to emphasize his youth considering their man is so old his social security number is carved in hieroglyphics on a piece of stone. Barack has never supported the war and never said he didn’t know much about economics so what’s left to attack him with?
Hillary, on behalf of the Democratic Party, black and all other minorities, women that will seek the Presidency in the future and the people of the Obama.
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