March 12, 2008
Mr. Gore,
Let me apologize in advance for I am sure there is some sort of protocol that I’m failing to observe and I know there is a more eloquent and/or politically correct approach to this endeavor but I fear time will not permit finding it. We (as in WE the People) are in desperate need of your help. Your absence in the current Presidential race has caused a vacuum of reality and apparently common sense.
Although I truly thought you would run this year I respect your decision not to. It is clearly our loss not to have you as the Democratic nominee and inevitable President Elect. However, there may be a mixed blessing involved because I believe there is a candidate that will bring a lot of the qualities you possess to the White House, if given the opportunity.
Before I try to make the case for which candidate is best, permit me to make the presupposition that the vast majority would agree the campaign for the Democratic nominee has taken an almost assured fatal turn for the worst. One candidate’s scorched earth, “kitchen sink” approach to this campaign will only serve to elect Sen. McCain to the office of President and undoubtedly give us at least four more years of the current administration for all intents and purposes.
I freely admit I am not one of the all knowing, all seeing pundits, political devotees or extremists by any stretch of the imagination. To be brutally honest I’ve never been all that concerned about politics past its intrinsic entertainment value. What little interest I did have was thoroughly depleted by the current administration. And much to my disgrace, I’ve never actually voted or even registered to vote – until now. I registered as a Democrat and voted in the
Pardon the digression but for what it’s worth, I did stay up all night in 1999 to make sure you had won and I went to bed happy and secure in the thought of you as President, narrowly avoiding what I knew would be a catastrophe in the making. Man, that next morning sucked in ways I can’t even pronounce, as I’m sure you are quite aware.
To put it bluntly, what we need is someone of your stature to put an end to the divisive, win at any and ALL cost politics that will undoubtedly rip the Democratic Party apart and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again. It is clear the so called “Super Delegates” will decide the outcome of our primary season. If this is a forgone conclusion what purpose is served by letting an egomaniacal campaign destroy the domestic tranquility that would be brought forth by a campaign of unity and hope?
Clearly the country needs a diametric change from the policies of the current administration. Senators Clinton and McCain are running on their respective experience which quite frankly translates to politics as usual in the long run. Sen. Obama will have to find a fresh approach by simple default. His very being automatically excludes him from the “good ‘ol boys” network that has put us in the position we are in presently. Although he will have to adapt and overcome many obstacles, which is assuredly nothing new for him, he will have to do it in a way that has never been done before thus guaranteeing the change we so desperately need.
Please, for the general welfare - lead the way for the other party officials and Super Delegates to end the attack on common decency, race/gender relations, hope and unity. Throw your complete support behind the candidate you see as most fit for the job that was rightfully yours with as much alacrity as possible. Use your considerable clout and keep Napoleon’s dogs at bay.
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