Has it occurred to anyone, but me, there’s something radically wrong with the way Congress is running since the Democrats took over again? Not that it was ever running smoothly but lately it seems even feebler than usual. You know you’re in trouble when Mr. Bush has a better approval rating than you do. I’m pretty sure Charles Manson has a better approval rating then Mr. Bush. It’s pretty difficult to suck worse than this administration and yet the 110th Congress has managed to pull it off.
The main reason we have the triad governmental system (Executive, Legislative and Judicial – for those that missed civics class that week) was to ensure checks and balances, you know “Government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Sound familiar to anyone??? The Legislative branch is supposed to be the group that maintains order for all - the common sense factor, if you will. They can create laws, declare war, regulate the budget and other than the power of the purse their main weapon is subpoena power.
Like the courts themselves Congress can also summon people to appear under oath. In fact if one is found to be in contempt of Congress an arrest warrant can be issued and the Sergeant At Arms can actually arrest you. In short, Congress was given mirroring powers in relationship to the other branches of government. You don’t really want to mess with Congress if you can avoid it, or at least one would think.
Apparently the Bush administration must have pictures of last year’s holiday party or something. Maybe they dug up some interesting stuff with their warrantless wire taps or Congress is afraid of ending up at Gitmo – upside down and gasping for air? Whatever the reason, this congress refuses to investigate this administration. One truly has to wonder why that is? At the very lease you’d think they’d want to get to the bottom of why we are now stuck in the quagmire that is
Clearly there are a number of questions that need to be answered, but there’s something even more insidious afoot here. Arguably the main attribute of the basic politician is ambition. Oh sure, they’ll spew that “wanting to work towards the common good” dribble or “one person CAN make a difference” line but that’s just so they can get elected in the first place. I’m pretty sure it’s the egomaniacal, Napoleonic, megalomaniacal aspects of their twisted personalities that drives their desire to seek public office. Digest that for a moment before considering what I’m about to lay on you.
OK ready? Here we go. Nancy Pelosi has risen to the highest political point of any female in the history of the country. She is literally two heartbeats, or lack there of, from the presidency itself. As Speaker of the House she stands second in line to the President. Now some of you are thinking, “what about Condoleezza?” What about her – just kidding, she’s actually fourth in line behind Robert Byrd as the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Here ends the civic lesson). Basically, should something happen to the both the President and VP the Speaker becomes the President of the
Of course what could happen to both the Pres and VP simultaneously? I mean what are the chances of that? What could possibly happen to the current leaders of the Executive branch? Oh - I don’t know let’s say HIGH TREASON, PURGERY, WAR CRIMES, EMBEZZLEMENT , CRIMES AGAINST HUMINTY, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, INVASION OF PRIVACY, ILLEGAL PROSECUTION, UNLAWFUL DETENTION, etc. I’m sure I’ve missed something but I’m pretty sure you’re feelin’ me at this point.
At the very least there is clearly a big enough scandal to force the current administration out in disgrace. Hell Watergate was just a freakin’ burglary. Any second rate politician should have been able to exploit the situation for his/her own political gain. All Nancy Pelosi had to do was bring formal charges against Twiddle Dumb and Twiddle Dumber and she would have been the first female leader of the free world. George and Dick would have hot-footed it out of office way before articles of impeachment were ever drawn up. WHAT THE HELL is wrong with
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