Friday, April 18, 2008

He's A Little Heated

'm not one to throw salt on another man's game. If you have the nads and intellect to come up with a scam that others will fall for knock yourself out. But Scientology takes it step too far.

Starting basically as a drunken bet between Ernest Hemingway and L. Ron Hubbard { i heard '-)} the scam has grown to encompass throngs of simple minded followers. These are the same people that would have followed Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and Rev Moon if given the chance.

Before offing himself L. Ron set out to see if he could actually create a religion, which kinda makes you wonder how other religions got started as well? In any case some "entrepreneurs" saw the potential and built it into the cash cow it is now.

You have to admit it's a pretty good scam because as long as there are people willing to imbibe the Kool-Aide, watch Fox news and WWE and thinks it's real there will be plenty of rubes to keep them going.

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