Another Valentine’s Day approaches, much to the dismay of the affectionately disabled significant others everywhere. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea? The one day of the year guaranteed to cause unilateral grief for those unfortunate soles that have not mastered the art of mind reading.
One might think V-Day is just another “Hallmark holiday” and arguably, a good case could be made to support this. In actuality it has religious beginnings – of course. Chalk up another grand contribution from organized religion to society. Valentine’s Day is named after two martyred Christians (Valentines of Rome and Terni) from the Middle Ages. There were a bunch of martyred Christians around that period but some how these two stuck out from the crowd – yea them! Up until the late 60’s the Catholic Church actually recognized nine other V-days but thankfully no one else saw the need to follow along. So we settled on the traditional Feb 14th date to celebrate.
Originally the day(s) was simply to express affection for another that may not have known they were admired - kinda like a huge singles meet and greet, possibly the precursor to internet
dating. People just slipped each other small hand written notes to let their potential paramours in on their intentions. Of course some idiot had to mess it up for everyone and add flowers. Chocolates got thrown in around to l800’s then Hallmark got a hold of things and the mass marketing began. Just try and get away with a note and some hand picked flowers now buddy.
Now-a-days the smitten have to take out a small loan, second mortgage &/or a kidney to satisfy their significant others. The flowers alone will set you back a pretty penny, more like a pretty C-note ($100 bill). Then there’s dinner, including the perfect wine or whine depending on how things are going, chocolates, the obligatory precious medal &/or stone - again depending on how
much grief you’re really willing to endure. When all is said and done a successful day will leave our lovers buzzed, bloated and broke but happy nonetheless.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the lucky recipients and good luck to the rest.
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