OK, I know sieg heil is actually German for “hail victory” but the hip already smell what I’m about to stir-fry here.
Ever notice those calling themselves staunch conservatives are usually just try to tell you what you can do with your genitals or modify your behavior in some way? What’s with that, don’t they have genitals of their own to play with? Apparently they spend a lot time worrying about you letting “the wrong sort” play with yours or what medical procedures you may have done to or through them. They also seem real concerned about aliens, sedition and what particular flavor of religious kool-aide you consume or perhaps consumes you, depending on your point of view.
In all fairness, the lunacy of a few reflects poorly on the sanity of the masses. The conservative body politic is by and large made up of rational individuals. Believing in a smaller - fiscally responsible government, lower tax burdens, a strong national defense and above all the Constitution the average right winger isn’t all that bad. Their ideology, taken in moderation and mixed with a little compassion - actual compassion, not just the campaign slogan the last administration slapped on a bumper sticker, is sound and accepted by many moderates on the left and right of the ubiquitous political aisle.
Unfortunately, the conservative movement has been commandeered by jack booted, brown shirt right wing nuts. As with any organization of this magnitude the fringe elements can wreak havoc. Much like what al Qaeda has done for Islam and Jerry Farwell and his Moral Majority did for Christianity, the wing nuts make it all but impossible for any but the truly delusional to subscribe to their madness. Although Jerry is hopefully facing the monocle wearing black hat of judgment in the after life as we speak, the Evangelical fringe that previously hung on his every breath continues the tradition of judging thy neighbor.
Disenfranchised people make easy targets for the nefarious and unscrupulous. David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Marshall Applewhite (Heavens Gate) and Jim Jones (People's
Where did the wheels come off and why didn’t it stop the crazy train? See this is what happens when you don’t learn from history. The last society that was so intolerant, that monitored its citizens and deprived them of basic rights, that unjustly imprisoned and tortured them and led them into an unwarranted act of aggression we called the Third Reich. Are we really actually witnessing the inception of the Forth Reich? Is Karl Rove channeling Adolph Hitler in some nouveau fascist fashion? What happened to “never again”?
I don’t particularly grasp all aspects of homosexuality and I can’t say I approve of the life style. Fortunately for them my approval isn’t necessary for their continued existence. I’m not much for gay marriage either. Subsequently, I personally will never marry a gay man. However, I will happily attend the gay ceremony of a friend, if invited. IF by some extreme unforeseen twist of fate I do end up married to a gay man you best believe neither of us will be having any abortions anytime too soon. Of course that’s a personal choice, as well as a biological one – what you choose to do with your own uterus is completely up to you. Moreover, what does any of this have to do with the ability to shoot straight? I mean literally shoot straight. If we’re side by side in a trench or back to front in a fighter jet I’m not going to be real concerned with your orientation (male/female or undecided) at that particular moment in time.
When all is said and done I say anything any willing and able individuals consent to do amongst themselves in privacy is all good and in no need of legislation or judgment of any kind.
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