Discrimination is just that discrimination (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/discrimination) to think there’s a special discrimination for a certain group of people is discriminatory in itself. Why would there be a special form of discrimination just for whites? Isn’t the standard form of servitude good enough for those that primarily invented the ideology? Maybe it’s not as much fun from the other end of the whip so they came up with another name for it so they could be victimized more comfortably.
Understandably everyone has preferences and no one should be forced too far out of their comfort zones but where we all have to live together – pretty much every where outside of our individual homes, we have to have some decorum. We need to go along to get along, if you will. Go home and talk about me like a dog if you want. Call me any name your angry little mind can come up with. Plot my demise and the demise of all those that looks like me. Hate the fact your wife is thinking about us while you’re trying to do your thing but when we’re together in public, at work or where ever, grin and deal wit’ it . You can go home and take out your frustrations on your family later if it helps you sleep at night.
just saying hi,...
The word was 1st associated w/ a man of means looking for a wife w/ certain qualifying skills. Then comes the 20 century and the word is associated w/ the color of someone skin. Clearly our social consciousness level needs a bit more upgrading. Ignorance and fear seems to be the only motivating factor in any form of discrimination that curtails any ethnic groups' right to pursue their dreams of "life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
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