Remember how disappointed you were when you discovered Santa Claus was a hoax. Then disappointment turned to anger when you figured out the whole concept was just an practical exercise in behavioral modification. How many times did you hear, "be good or Santa won't bring you anything this year." Basically your desired behavior was extorted at the threat of losing that which you cherished most at the time - TOYS! Good little children were rewarded with Barbie and Hot Wheels while bad ones got coal or worse, nothing at all as Santa had forsaken ye.
Flash forward to adulthood or at least the age of reason. Santa now debunked and no longer effective a new control must be implemented. Thus the introduction of the all powerful, all seeing , all mighty deity of your choice. An omnipotent non-corporeal super being, creator of the universe and all that is good. Now obedience is rewarded in the next life and bad people are punished now and for all eternity. Even more ominous "bad" has taken on a whole new connotation. For some odd reason this Super Being, creator and holder of life and death itself cares about what you eat on Fridays, where you go on Sundays and what you like to do with your genitals. Moreover, this indefatigable lord and savior needs your money on a continuous basis. The God that can do anything but chooses to do nothing about war, cancer, racism, hunger and alike - the ALL MIGHTY needs to extort your compliance, your obedience at the threat of your safety and eternal soul. Is it just me or is there some seriously wrong with this concept?
Ever Wonders
A cerebral/satirical/irreverent/practical look at life as we pretend to know it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Enemy Within
Fiscal conservatives, moderates, true patriots, real Americans all - you are being misrepresented, embarrassed and disgraced by a smattering of hate ridden bigots. Sign carrying racists and corporate billionaires are diluting your true message and making a mockery of civilized political discourse. While draping themselves in the flag these people literally tear at the fabric of our democracy. Not having the moral compass or mental capacity to pull this off on their own they are aided by ratings hungry, fool hearty, irresponsible media outlets, lack of serious political leadership, false prophets after big profit and most sadly - you!
While the country actually needs a course correction and serious fiscal reform we waste time watching not only the circus that is the Tea Party but also the enablers making money off the unwitting rubes hand over fist. The clowns elected to office to serve the people instead pander to the loud minority over the sane majority. Like moths attracted to the stark lights of the camera the motley crew muddles around the public stage in search of the next fifteen minutes of infamy. For a group that claims to love and fight for freedom on one hand, they stand hell bound and determined to tell others what they can and can't do with the other hand.
For all the madness that is the Tea Party, or any other extreme movement, you cannot fault them the courage of their convictions. Moreover, the very rights they would deny some guarantees them the right to protest at will. The concept they don't seem have the capacity to grasp is tolerance. The big top has plenty of room for acts of all shapes, shades and sides. Coexistence can be achieved if we respectfully agree to disagree on some points where no quintessential resolution can be found. However, to get to this point the ring masters need to take back control of the talent. Leaders on the Right need to separate the bull from the shit. Leaders on the Left need to find the bulls among the steers and/or sheep.
Put simply, extreme member of the Republican party make them look pathetic. Special interest members of the Democratic party make them appear apoplectic. In their present state neither serve anything more than the status quo and rampant unchecked capitalism. While one side clearly needs rein in their nuts the other equally needs to reach up their skirts and find their nuts.
What do We The People need to do? We (and by WE I of course mean YOU) need to send a clear message to the proverbial head of the body politic. Some factions actually breed discontent in hopes it will create apathy and reduce voter turn out (why bother to vote, nothing ever changes). We need to send a super majority to Congress to override the mindless procedural madness that prevents progress. Vote en mass for the party or cause of your choice so a few malcontents cannot hold the entire process hostage. Harness the courage of your convictions and actualize them by showing the elected official you do care. Make them actually work for a living, for a change by showing them they can't count on inactivity or sheer stupidity to keep them entrenched. Take power back from the corporations and billionaires that see themselves as kingmakers. Prove once and for all you don't care if your soldier gay as long as she can shoot straight. You don't care if your president is Black as long as he's a straight shooter. Get out there with your voice, your time, your money and most importantly your vote and make it happen.
While the country actually needs a course correction and serious fiscal reform we waste time watching not only the circus that is the Tea Party but also the enablers making money off the unwitting rubes hand over fist. The clowns elected to office to serve the people instead pander to the loud minority over the sane majority. Like moths attracted to the stark lights of the camera the motley crew muddles around the public stage in search of the next fifteen minutes of infamy. For a group that claims to love and fight for freedom on one hand, they stand hell bound and determined to tell others what they can and can't do with the other hand.
For all the madness that is the Tea Party, or any other extreme movement, you cannot fault them the courage of their convictions. Moreover, the very rights they would deny some guarantees them the right to protest at will. The concept they don't seem have the capacity to grasp is tolerance. The big top has plenty of room for acts of all shapes, shades and sides. Coexistence can be achieved if we respectfully agree to disagree on some points where no quintessential resolution can be found. However, to get to this point the ring masters need to take back control of the talent. Leaders on the Right need to separate the bull from the shit. Leaders on the Left need to find the bulls among the steers and/or sheep.
Put simply, extreme member of the Republican party make them look pathetic. Special interest members of the Democratic party make them appear apoplectic. In their present state neither serve anything more than the status quo and rampant unchecked capitalism. While one side clearly needs rein in their nuts the other equally needs to reach up their skirts and find their nuts.
What do We The People need to do? We (and by WE I of course mean YOU) need to send a clear message to the proverbial head of the body politic. Some factions actually breed discontent in hopes it will create apathy and reduce voter turn out (why bother to vote, nothing ever changes). We need to send a super majority to Congress to override the mindless procedural madness that prevents progress. Vote en mass for the party or cause of your choice so a few malcontents cannot hold the entire process hostage. Harness the courage of your convictions and actualize them by showing the elected official you do care. Make them actually work for a living, for a change by showing them they can't count on inactivity or sheer stupidity to keep them entrenched. Take power back from the corporations and billionaires that see themselves as kingmakers. Prove once and for all you don't care if your soldier gay as long as she can shoot straight. You don't care if your president is Black as long as he's a straight shooter. Get out there with your voice, your time, your money and most importantly your vote and make it happen.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The MOUTH Shall Rise Again!
It's been a minute since I've gotten my blog on, all the random madness running around in my head has had no where to go. It would still be doing laps in my skull if Dr Laura hadn't graced us with her infinite wisdom and vitriolic rant. I am quite sure some of her best friends were black. She seemed to feel perfectly entitled to spew her epithet until she realized it may effect her standing in polite society and of course, advertising dollars. Unfortunately for her some cats just can't be walked backwards.
Overshadowed by the sensationalism and mind numbing stupidity of her repeating the word nigger eleven times is the actual racist aspect of her diatribe. As difficult as it is to accept her insensitivity to her choice of words, the context in which she used it was not racist. She meant no ill intent and was not focusing on any one individual. Part of what she was trying so desperately to say was nearly valid, in a Birth of a Nation sort of way. NO, the real racism comes just after her initial rant.
"I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize Whites hating Blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown and I don't get it. Yes, I do. It's all about power."
It seems the good Doctor believes there is an intrinsic aspect of being White that allows for hate with impunity. She doesn't get why Whites can't hate Blacks at will? She figured we uppity coloreds would be so happy with the election of a Black person to the Presidency we'd just drop everything, grab our head scarfs and sprint to the nearest field and start picking?
Don't be mislead by her inarticulate moment of haste to make a point or her financially motivated heart felt apology. This card carrying, hood wearing, tea partying supremacist spoke her mind long after the last nigger was uttered from her pasty lips. She and those who agree with her feel they lost privilege when the darkies broke off the chains and took collective residence in the house on Pennsylvania Ave built by slaves. It's going to truly suck being them from now on.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You Might Be A Racist

The race for President of the United States of America will be between Sen. Barack Obama of IL and Sen. John McCain of AZ. There are some stark differences between these candidates. Plenty of sensibly logical reasons to oppose or support either of them. Sen. Obama is fresh on the scene and does lack some experience. Sen. McCain is older and more experienced but change seems to be the mantra this year so either attribute can be used for and against each candidate.
Both Senators have colorful relationships with arguably nefarious individuals. Ayers, Keating - Haggee, Wright all dubious associates of both candidates. Guilt by association should probably be left to parolees and ghosts of the McCarthy era.
However, if at this point your argument against Sen. Obama is based in a flag pin - YOU might be a racist.
-If your argument has anything to do with patriotism or lack there of, YOU might be a racist.
-If you believe Sen. Obama might be an undercover Muslim you might be an undercover idiot and a racist.
-If you think Sen. Obama is a separatist or a black supremacist in any way YOU are probably a racist.
-If you think the son of mixed parents, raised by a single mom that went to school on scholarships and student loans is too elitist to be president - YOU might be a racist.
In short there are many good reasons to not like either candidate and it is your prerogative to chose any number of them. But if you find yourself making an argument based on any of the above or anything else equally petty then you may want to do a little self examination and determine what your true motivations are
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
He's A Little Heated
'm not one to throw salt on another man's game. If you have the nads and intellect to come up with a scam that others will fall for knock yourself out. But Scientology takes it step too far.
Starting basically as a drunken bet between Ernest Hemingway and L. Ron Hubbard { i heard '-)} the scam has grown to encompass throngs of simple minded followers. These are the same people that would have followed Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and Rev Moon if given the chance.
Before offing himself L. Ron set out to see if he could actually create a religion, which kinda makes you wonder how other religions got started as well? In any case some "entrepreneurs" saw the potential and built it into the cash cow it is now.
You have to admit it's a pretty good scam because as long as there are people willing to imbibe the Kool-Aide, watch Fox news and WWE and thinks it's real there will be plenty of rubes to keep them going.
Starting basically as a drunken bet between Ernest Hemingway and L. Ron Hubbard { i heard '-)} the scam has grown to encompass throngs of simple minded followers. These are the same people that would have followed Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and Rev Moon if given the chance.
Before offing himself L. Ron set out to see if he could actually create a religion, which kinda makes you wonder how other religions got started as well? In any case some "entrepreneurs" saw the potential and built it into the cash cow it is now.
You have to admit it's a pretty good scam because as long as there are people willing to imbibe the Kool-Aide, watch Fox news and WWE and thinks it's real there will be plenty of rubes to keep them going.
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