Overshadowed by the sensationalism and mind numbing stupidity of her repeating the word nigger eleven times is the actual racist aspect of her diatribe. As difficult as it is to accept her insensitivity to her choice of words, the context in which she used it was not racist. She meant no ill intent and was not focusing on any one individual. Part of what she was trying so desperately to say was nearly valid, in a Birth of a Nation sort of way. NO, the real racism comes just after her initial rant.
"I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize Whites hating Blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown and I don't get it. Yes, I do. It's all about power."
It seems the good Doctor believes there is an intrinsic aspect of being White that allows for hate with impunity. She doesn't get why Whites can't hate Blacks at will? She figured we uppity coloreds would be so happy with the election of a Black person to the Presidency we'd just drop everything, grab our head scarfs and sprint to the nearest field and start picking?
Don't be mislead by her inarticulate moment of haste to make a point or her financially motivated heart felt apology. This card carrying, hood wearing, tea partying supremacist spoke her mind long after the last nigger was uttered from her pasty lips. She and those who agree with her feel they lost privilege when the darkies broke off the chains and took collective residence in the house on Pennsylvania Ave built by slaves. It's going to truly suck being them from now on.