Saturday, October 9, 2010

Santa, God and You

Remember how disappointed you were when you discovered Santa Claus was a hoax. Then disappointment turned to anger when you figured out the whole concept was just an practical exercise in behavioral modification. How many times did you hear, "be good or Santa won't bring you anything this year." Basically your desired behavior was extorted at the threat of losing that which you cherished most at the time - TOYS! Good little children were rewarded with Barbie and Hot Wheels while bad ones got coal or worse, nothing at all as Santa had forsaken ye.

Flash forward to adulthood or at least the age of reason. Santa now debunked and no longer effective a new control must be implemented. Thus the introduction of the all powerful, all seeing , all mighty deity of your choice. An omnipotent non-corporeal super being, creator of the universe and all that is good. Now obedience is rewarded in the next life and bad people are punished now and for all eternity. Even more ominous "bad" has taken on a whole new connotation. For some odd reason this Super Being, creator and holder of life and death itself cares about what you eat on Fridays, where you go on Sundays and what you like to do with your genitals. Moreover, this indefatigable lord and savior needs your money on a continuous basis. The God that can do anything but chooses to do nothing about war, cancer, racism, hunger and alike - the ALL MIGHTY needs to extort your compliance, your obedience at the threat of your safety and eternal soul. Is it just me or is there some seriously wrong with this concept?